Womanhood · November 18, 2023

Said I Wouldn’t

“One, too many times my heart’s been crumbled on the floor so I had to live without it. I’m tired of crying about it. After a while I didn’t miss it anymore, I got accustomed to the quiet. Didn’t have the strength to fight it.”

I spent all my smidge of time here on earth looking and searching and seeking for that one thing that bothers me.

For so many times I thought I found it.

And so many times I failed.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

I am utterly terrified yet I don’t want to look away.

I am being pulled into a frame my mind is telling me to be wary of.

I want to scream and stay muted all at the same time.

I want to think and let my mind go blank. I feel confused. Not in a bad way. I think.

I can’t explain it. I don’t want to explain it. But I am terrified.

I am terrified that I will want to keep you and you can’t be kept. I really don’t have any more heart left to break.

We are like two unfavourable and unmatchable elements. You are the water to my fire. I don’t want you to be but it’s unraveling in front of my face and I feel powerless to stop it. Or do I?

You make me feel seen in exactly the way I have been longing to be seen.

I am scared that you will be my next heartbreak.

I don’t even want to picture you being the one who put the pieces together because what if I am wrong again?

I am not one who waits to be rescued.

I am the one who rescues.

I am the one who braves the pouring rain to save the one I care about…love even.

I am not the one who gets rescued.

And now I am thinking about it and I am wondering why is it like this.

Why couldn’t you have been an easy decision?

I want to feel safe that you are what I have been praying for, but I once believed that about another, even though I had to search and put those pieces together. I also believed he was a good person. He genuinely is, just not for me. We don’t click.

I loved him. I thought he was what I had been looking for. But you, you feel like what I have been waiting for. I don’t want you to be. You feel like peace. I really want you out of my head.

I feel like all these feelings are rushing in far too quickly. I don’t want them. I am trying to place them. I am trying to sort them out. I don’t want them. There are so many reasons not to encourage them or desire them. The main reason is You.

A big part of me hopes that I am wrong about everything. I won’t have to deal with the possibility of failure.

I don’t have any more left. I don’t have anything left to give anyone. I feel drained but excited. I feel scared but I want to try.


At this fork in the road, I know what I need to do…Run.

Running is what I do best. It’s what makes sense. Always has.

But you…

I find myself drowning in ways to hide from what I see,

I have never had anyone interested enough to psychoanalyze me.

I am not keen on how I feel about that.

I have never had anyone interested enough to want to know me.

It makes me wonder why though.

A girl so bland I do what I can not to draw attention.

I find you intriguing in more ways than one.

Your smile, your mind, and your arms as they linger with embracing power.

Your mountain of a body so beautifully sculpted sends a rush to my core.

My lusting desire is obvious,

I crave what you know and what you can teach me.

I can see myself enveloped in you,

Tagging our limbs until I know where you end and I begin.

You are a beautiful being that encapsulates everything.

Do I want to run?

Not anymore.





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