Creative Juices · September 19, 2023

The Darkness

Wrapping me in its warmth,

The wings of a blackbird, inviting and calm.

I sink deeper into the fold and feel myself let go.

I wonder what normal feels like in a low vibrational state.

I wonder what normal is for the mind that goes too far.

I wonder what normal does to the life that burns to dust.

I wonder no longer because this is my normal.

I desire the darkness.

I pant for it.

I pull my energy from the strength beyond the unknown.

Freedom beckons with a glimmering light that only I can see and understand.

I want to reach for the light but the dark is so comfy I want to stay enveloped within

I want the light to break through and take me but I feel so dead within,

so numb, scared, and tainted.

The darkness understands me.

It feeds me.

It sees me.

It desires me.

I learn from it what I am sure the light cannot teach me.

I want to embrace who I am and what I ought to become.

The thoughts in my head are causing me to come undone.

I will shed this shrouded frame and walk boldly into the graphics of who I should be.

Taunted and teased by the desires of the dark I want to allow it to take me over.

I am tired of fighting.

I am tired of searching.



Grieving my losses.

Telling myself I am who I am not.

I am tired.

And if only they’d see.

If only you’d see, or even care enough to look.

Taken in by your own situation and struggles you cannot see anything else but you.

I am drowning.

I am grasping onto the tastelessness that life has to offer because it’s what I should do…yet not what I want to do.

The Darkness keeps me safe.

Safe in my head.

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