Womanhood · May 22, 2024

Make Peace With It

The morning dew on my feet, as I walk through wet grass, is grounding.

The fresh cold air in my nostrils has a soothing peak that none can compare.

The birds in the trees chirping as they fly overhead is the most beautiful sound to hear.

The baby laughing in the background because mommy is doing something funny is a beautiful scene.

Make peace with it.

Make peace with the fact that this will be your life despite how much you yearn.

Make peace with the fact that this will be your zone when your child has a headache or cold, you have to fix it.

Why frolic in your head hoping for what will never happen?

Going back to the same situation that has a revolving pattern.

He will never change.

They are all the same.

Make peace with it.

Make peace with a dick-down moment that will only be that.

Never going beyond the realm of possibility or enlightened infinity.

Make peace with the life that you want that only you have your sights on, the possibility of sharing with someone may be a lost cause for you.

The decisions made that could never be aligned nor undone have carved your path and now you have to come to the point where making peace with it is the only way through.

He will never want you the way you do,

He will never come to terms with the blossoming beauty that has become you.

He sees the fruit of your loins as a cinder block he will have to carry.

He sees your life as a complicated mess he will have to unravel.

Make peace with it.

It’s ok. You know it’s his loss anyway.

Make peace with the fact that the insinuations are just that, flirting comments that will never leave the page.

Make peace with the fact that he is showing himself to you because he is comfortable and feels connected not because he wants you.

Make peace with the fact that it’s okay to want a love that wraps you in a quilt to cushion the blow of a heartbreak that is imminent.

Make peace with your blossoming desire to become one with another will never happen because no one wants a single mother.



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